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Hais txog peb

Dongguan New Youwei Adhesive Products Co., Ltd. Tsim los ntawm 2010, peb lub Hoobkas nyob hauv lub nroog tsim khoom ntawm Dongguan. Los ntawm xyoo ntawm kev nruam ntej, peb tau txais kev ywj pheej ntawm cov cuab yeej cuab tam thiab tsim peb tus kheej lub npe. Peb kuj tau tsim ib qho kev pabcuam zoo meej.

HUIA 20240116183251f8j
Hais txog peb
Kev tsim khoom tseem ceeb ntawm cov khoom siv hluav taws xob, hluav taws xob rwb thaiv tsev daim kab xev, daim kab xev tiv thaiv, pob tshab PET ib leeg thiab ob daim kab xev series, dub PET Ib leeg thiab ob daim kab xev series, aluminium ntawv nyiaj (txhuas ntawv ci Mara), tooj liab ntawv nyiaj (copper foil Mara) shielding khoom series, iav fiber ntau (tsis muaj substrate) thermal daim kab xev series, thermal tooj liab, txhuas (nano carbon, graphite) series, tsis muaj substrate (conductive) kab xev series, nplaim retardant daim kab xev series, FFC (absorbing material) daim kab xev series daim kab xev (dub, dawb) daim kab xev, xov tooj ntawm tes, tsheb waterproof ua npuas ncauj daim kab xev series, conductive Foam, transformer tooj liab sawb series, thiab lwm yam., OEM kua nplaum, nyob rau hauv lub tsheb tshiab lub zog, kev sib txuas lus hauv xov tooj ntawm tes , transformers, circuit boards, backlight modules and other fields to build end-to-end material application solutions, for the material die-cutting end customers, material application end customers to provide solutions, khoom thiab kev pab cuam, thiab yog cog lus los ua kom muaj kev txhim kho cov ntaub ntawv yav tom ntej ntawm lub zej zog.

Tuam txhab Profile


Nrog cov cuab yeej siv txheej txheej digital los ntawm lub teb chaws Yelemees, peb muaj cov txheej txheem txheej txheem ua ntej txheej txheej ntawm 8000 square metres, nrog rau cov zis txhua hnub ntawm 10,000 square meters.
Hauv kev txhim kho thiab siv cov cuab yeej siv kho qhov muag tiv thaiv zaj duab xis, peb ib txwm ua kom nrawm nrog lub ntiaj teb cov tuam txhab paub zoo thiab kev lag luam tib yam los muab cov neeg siv khoom tshiab thiab cov kev pabcuam. Ua ib qho ntawm cov chaw muag khoom ncaj qha lossis tsis ncaj ntawm Foxconn, Samsung, BYD, TCL, LG, Jabil Electronics, Lens Technology, Gree, Fuyao thiab lwm yam lag luam paub zoo, raws li cov cuab yeej siv niaj hnub no, ua ke nrog cov kev xav tau tiag tiag hauv tsev thiab txawv teb chaws, thiab tsim ua ke nrog cov neeg siv khoom hauv tsev thiab txawv teb chaws nrog cov khoom zoo.
  • 2012
    Dhau lso qhov system ntawv pov thawj
  • 25
    Tshiab tsis muaj plua plav txheej rhiav
  • 80
    Yeej 8 lub teb chaws patent ntawv pov thawj
  • 3000
    Los ntawm lub teb chaws high-tech enterprise soj ntsuam


  • Peb yog ib pab neeg uas muaj lub luag haujlwm thiab kev mob siab rau cov neeg siv khoom, peb txhawb nqa kev kawm, zoo ntawm kev tsim kho tshiab, kev koom tes ua haujlwm, kev pabcuam siab dawb, thiab tus neeg tawm tswv yim yeej-yeej, kom ntseeg tau tias lub sijhawm ceev tshaj plaws, kev pabcuam zoo tshaj plaws, qhov siab tshaj plaws kom tau raws li qhov xav tau ntawm cov neeg siv khoom.
  • Enterprise Honour01 mph
  • Enterprise Honor02l18
65c07 ib
Corporate culture (1) os
Corporate Culture (2)8cz
Corporate culture (3)k6r
Corporate culture (4)fhq
Corporate culture (5) raw
Corporate culture (6) yhe
Corporate culture (7)z2f
0102 ib0304 ib050607 ib

Peb txoj kev tswj hwm philosophY

Kev xaiv thiab kev cob qhia cov txuj ci yuav yog qhov tseem ceeb tshaj plaws
Kev hwm thiab ntseeg txhua tus neeg ua haujlwm
Tsim ib pab neeg kawm los txhim kho cov kev sib tw tseem ceeb ntawm cov lag luam thiab cov tib neeg los ntawm kev kawm tas mus li
Ua raws li cov hauv paus ntsiab lus thiab hais txog kev qhuab qhia, Ua haujlwm ua ke los txhim kho tus ntsuj plig ntawm kev sib koom tes
Kev ua haujlwm nyuaj, ncaj ncees, ncaj ncees, siab tawv, ncaj ncees, zoo siab, ntseeg siab, tawm tswv yim kev kawm, ua lag luam, tsim kho tshiab, mob siab rau thiab mob siab rau, Txuas qhov tseem ceeb rau kev koom tes tus tswv

Hoob kawm kev loj hlob

peb lub Hoobkas

Peb lub Hoobkas (1) ptf
Peb lub Hoobkas (2) bgf
Peb lub Hoobkas (3)fc9
Peb lub Hoobkas (5) 6p1
0102 ib0304 ib
Enterprise Honor01 swb
Enterprise Honour 0263b
Enterprise Honour03c03
Enterprise Honor04asq